
KommenttiFesko - 28.11.2006


KommenttiVille K. - 02.12.2006

Kaunista katseltavaa... Olipa mukava yllätys, kun taas pitkästä aikaa päätin tarkistaa Perhorasian sivut.

Perho on Feskolle tuttuun tapaan huolellisesti sidottu ja kuvan laatukin on tavalliseen tapaan mainion selkeä.

Mukava nähdä reseptiperhojen sijasta vaihteeksi myös onnistuneita sitojien omia kehitelmiä.

Tuo siiven sulkamateriaali Acryllium vulturinum (engl. Vulturine Guineafowl) on ymmärtääkseni korppikotka-helmikanaa (risteytys).

Hi, Fesko. Nice tying once again. It is also nice to see tyers introducing their own patterns instead of the usual well-known patterns. Keep them coming!

Kommenttiperhonen - 02.12.2006 (Muokattu 2.12, 12:30)

What a nice tying again Fesko! This fly can be a wonderfull fly for salmon, i think iam going to do couple of these with little variations next time when i go to salmon river.
Keep on tying! ;)

Kommenttiperhohörhö - 02.12.2006

Beatiful, beatiful. J like colours. Have you tried this one yet? J'm sure that it works.

KommenttiFesko - 02.12.2006

Ville K.
Thanks. I now do flies on tees(treble). I shall soon put them here.

Thanks. I think that this variant of the fly, it will be very good to work in Norway and in the north of Finland.

Thanks. I did not catch still this fly, but I think that it will work.

KommenttiJuho_123 - 02.12.2006

Wou! Awsome tying fesko! That fly is just beautiful! That wing material must be pretty rare? Great colours also.. I havent never tried to tie a fly to a triple hook.. It must be hard!

I know that you will catch many salmos with that.. :) Keep up the excellent work!

KommenttiFesko - 02.12.2006

On a tee(trebel) to do the fly difficultly but interestingly.

KommenttiAarne_k - 03.12.2006

Hi, Fesko

Great job on the salmonfly, it should fish very well...

KommenttiFesko - 03.12.2006


I prepare for flies next year, them I shall test in Norway.

KommenttiAarne_k - 03.12.2006


Norway? In what direction?

KommenttiJänes90 - 04.12.2006

Awsome fly Fesko. Perfect tying ;)

KommenttiPäde-Veikko - 05.12.2006

Nice fly and very nice tying work.
This pattern should appear closely to my Teno and Norway salmonfly box. (Order to myself)
"Korppikotka-helmikana" as the material for head wing exists in my tying room.


Jos sinulla ei ole tunnusta, ole hyvä ja rekisteröidy.

Olethan tutustunut Perhorasian sääntöihin?