Todella hieno! Tuli tuosta helan/rungon aloituskohdasta heti omat perhosätökset mieleen.. Hela on kyllä jotain aivan uskomatonta!
Tässä sitä näkee hyvin että yksinkertaisetkin perhot voi tehdä huolella! Eikä sitä kierrettäkään aina tarvitse.. Taidanpa koittaa sitoa tuollaisen tässä lähitulevaisuudessa..
J like to know how can you make long "hela" so well? Fly is fantastic. J really like your style. Do you use some tape or anything like that in wing. To make it easier to ty of course?
Fantastic fLy again!!!!!!!
These your flyes are just... i don't know what to say. They are so fantastic...
Vähän on tuo enkku vielä hakusessa
This fly is just amazing. I like your restrained style.
I have some really good experiences of lil spey flies especially for trouts. I've fished with this kind of flies only tied on size 8# hook.
Thanks. When good mood, flies I do with pleasure.
Thanks for the comment. To me it is very important.
. I now try to use fur of a beaver in flies. It is interesting to me.
Thanks. It is interesting. Show me spey flies on a trout, I too to myself shall make. Number 8 it spey a hook.
Kiitos kaikile perhokalastus mehed
Very nice fly Fesko! IMHO the fly would have benefited from longer shanked hook. Though if you are using the fly for fishing this is probably better choise than e.g the normal Partridge Bartleet. The Nutria hackle is very interesting - should work well!
Thanks for the comment.
I shall try to make on a long hook. I have not correctly written the recipe, it not a nutria it (kastorhattu tai majava). At us in Estonia kastorhattu it is a lot of it, I was given by hunters. I did not know what to do. Now has thought up that it is possible to make and technics of installation of a material has thought up.
If this fly has made your day happy then I am very happy. To me very pleasantly that I can open new outlook on life.
So Fesko, you asked me to show some speyfly for trout. I just added one called underspey and you'll see it when it comes to the frontpage.
Olethan tutustunut Perhorasian sääntöihin?