Spider (haritusmittari)

KommenttiFesko - 13.12.2006


Kommenttikjmakela - 17.12.2006 (Muokattu 17.12, 10:42)

Nice fly again Fesko (as usual)
How is that body made, which part of condors feather? Anyway, this kind of fly makes craylings grazy;)

Kommentti[Titti] - 17.12.2006

Nice fly again! That's gona be one of the best grayling flye in to next summer. ;)

Kommenttisärkijä - 17.12.2006

Hmm I'm wondering is this really a dry fly? You probably meant wet fly. Here in perhotyyppi section there reads Pintaperho(dry fly). No matter what the fly is still great!:) Maybe a bit too heavy hackle for a spider type of fly, but its your desing so you decide!:)

Kommenttilarvastelija - 17.12.2006

särkijä, mielestäni spider-tyyppisten perhojen pitäisi viistää pinnassa, ei pinnan alla.

Btw. nice work, Fesko!

Kommenttisärkijä - 17.12.2006

hmm...Ole kanssasi erimieltä.:) Eli spiderit ovat alunperin vanhoja skotlantilaisia uppoperhoja joita tulee siis nimen omaan uittaa pintakalvon alapuolella. Esim. Partridge & Orange on perinteinen spider ja aivan taatusti uppoperho.;) Häkilätkin näissä ovat niin pehmeitä, ettei näistä kummoisiksi kellujiksi saati skater tyylisiksi viistäjiksi(pintakalvon yläpuoli) ole.

KommenttiFesko - 19.12.2006

The body is made simply, some coils of a feather condor.

I the same think that on grayling this fly will work.

Likely it both the dry and wet fly. I cannot precisely tell at all. It seems to me plays on a surface of water, therefore I have written that this fly dry. You are right, I have made two coils a feather and it was necessary to make one coil. Thanks for updating of my fly, it is very important for me.


Kommenttitimppah - 23.12.2006

Looks very interesting, some kind of hybrid I quess. Something floating material would be good on this. I have to tie few for next summer's graylings.


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